W-News | Divorce Papers From Soekarno To Inggit | Inggit Garnasih had to swallow a bitter pill when the husband was Sukarno expressed his desire to marry again. Inggit expressly refused to polygamy. Finally the divorce was inevitable.
Sukarno and Inggit married in 1923, at that age Inggit much older. Inggit faithful to accompany the young Sukarno fiery fight for independence from colonial hands.
Almost every day Soekarno who was called Kusno by roving Inggit Bandung to deliver political speeches. Tirelessly slightest Inggit always accompany.
Until the end, Inggit fears come true, Sukarno's new colleagues at the station revealed Cicalengka Yogyakarta, Bandung. Furthermore, with police escort, Sukarno was sent to prison Banceuy.
Encouraged love, Inggit repeatedly tried membesuk, but was rejected. He faithfully waited until Soekarno-free. Apparently Prison Banceuy not be the last, Sukarno then exiled to Flores, exiled to Bengkulu. In that condition Inggit still loyal accompany.
In Bengkulu, tempest Inggit household and Sukarno began torn. Soekarno smitten young woman beautiful flawless. The woman named Fatima. Sukarno, who already fell in love, asking permission to Inggit to remarry.
"I did not mean to get rid of. Looking you It is my desire for the top notch and you keep the first wife, so hold all the honor is concerned with this, as I was following the religion and penalties and civil penalties, took a second wife in order to get a descendant, "Sukarno said to Inggit as quoted in the book Bung Karno Rakyat Indonesia Tongue Joiner Cindy Adams's work.
Various reasons can not be disclosed Soekarno Inggit principle who refused to shake-wife. Finally, after nearly twenty years together, the two agreed divorce. Soekarno Inggit return to her parents in London.
Sukarno had made an agreement signed also by Inggit. In the letter dropped Soekarno second divorce, and promised to provide a home, a living allowance and pay Rp 6230 rupiah debt, but not all met. Mohammad Hatta, Ki Hajar Dewantoro, and Hadji Mas Mansoer to witness the agreement.
Then, on June 1, 1943, Sukarno married Fatimah who later renamed Fatmawati. At that time, while the 20-year-old Fatmawati Soekarno was 41 years old. From the marriage they were awarded five children namely Guntur, Megawati, Rachmawati, Sukmawati, and thunder.
Again Soekarno fell in love with a woman. Desire Sukarno married Hartini, rejected by Fatmawati does have rejected the principle of a co-wife. Fatmawati prefer to abandon the status of the mother country, and a quiet life with his son.
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