Monday 7 January 2013


W-News | Controversy Behind The Zero Dark Thirty Film | Although staying digadang going to snatch some Oscar nominations, the film turns tp Kathryn Bigelow, Zero Dark Thirty receive strong criticism from a number of officials in the United States.

The film which has been running in theaters on December 19 and was told of the details of the death of Osama Bin Laden on May 2, 2011 and, due to a military operation undertaken by SEAL Team Six.
Although the director to get a lot of compliments, but it turns out the film is not satisfactory three U.S. senators.

Controversy Behind The Zero Dark Thirty Film

As reported by on Monday (24/12), reported that three U.S. Senators Dianne Feinstein, Carl Levin and former U.S. presidential candidate John McCain sent a letter to the leadership of a Sony Pictures Entertainment.

"The fundamental problem is people watching Zero Dark Thirty will believe that what he is watching it is true," wrote three.

In addition, three U.S. senators also worry if the film will form a public opinion that is wrong.
"The Zero Dark Thirty filmmakers should realize that they have a social and moral obligation to provide the facts right," said the three senators.

In addition to the three U.S. senators, objections are also delivered by the United States intelligence agencies or the CIA. Chief Executive of the CIA, Michael Morell said they were concerned about the truth of the arrests and executions conducted by the U.S. armed forces against to Osama Bin Laden.

"This film creates a strong view that the interrogation techniques that the execution was carried out by a team that made the success of the capture of Osama Bin Lade, and that is wrong," said Morell.

Morell also argues that the film may reopen old wounds that have been experienced by the families of CIA personnel who have died on the battlefield. So the CIA did not expressly permit this outstanding movie.
"We can not allow Hollywood to show us their memory," said Morell.


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