Daniel Radcliffe ready to re-appear in the film with his iconic appearance that wears round glasses frames. Although the figure has chang...
Stephen Frears, Strong Candidate Of Director Biopik Freddie Mercury
W-News | Stephen Frears, Strong Candidate Of Director Biopik Freddie Mercury | Directed by Stephen Frears be a strong candidate to direc...
Freddie Mercury Biopik Will Release Next Year !
W-News | Freddie Mercury Biopik Will Release Next Year ! | Freddie Mercury Project biopik long-delayed now immediately refreshed. The...
Best Oscar Winner Predictions
W-News | Best Oscar Winner Predictions | Announcement of winners of the 85th Academy Awards Oscars are fighting to be done. Of 9 nom...
Levar Burton Disappointed with JJ Abrams
W-News | Levar Burton Disappointed with JJ Abrams | Levar Burton's success with his acting career with a phenomenal film series S...
Warner Bros. New Film Set for Adam Sandler
W-News | Warner Bros. New Film Set for Adam Sandler | Comedian actor Adam Sandler will be starring in the new comedy movie from Warne...
Mukai Osamu Become Cameo in "Doraemon"
W-News | Mukai Osamu Become Cameo in "Doraemon" | Japanese actor Osamu Mukai be the voice in the anime "Doraemon"...
Ben Stiller Is Back To " Night At The Museum 3 "
W-News | Ben Stiller Is Back To " Night At The Museum 3 " | Night at The Museum of the previously released two sequels, is n...
Guardians Of The Galaxy Reveal Another Character
W-News | Guardians Of The Galaxy Reveal Another Character | Guardians Of The Galaxy which will be dealt with in the form of film, has...
Captain America : The Soldier Winter
W-News | Captain America : The Soldier Winter | Hollywood Sktor Toby Jones confirmed that a sequel to Captain America is ready for re...
Toby Jones Back To Present At Captain America 2
W-News | Toby Jones Back To Present At Captain America 2 | Hollywood actor Toby Jones confirmed that it will be back to take part in ...
X-Men Director Lift Farmville To Screen Television
W-News | X-Men Director Lift Farmville To Screen Television | Who does not know FarmVille, popular game among Facebook users are able ...
Cinta Laura Will Conquer Hollywood
W-News | Cinta Laura Will Conquer Hollywood | The news circulating, Cinta Laura played in the movie Resident Evil 6 with Hollywood ac...
"Skyfall" Movie By Mistake Is Second Most In 2012
Hey, no one expects a 007 mission will run very perfect, is not it? W-News | "Skyfall" Movie By Mistake Is Second Most In ...
Jackie Chan Last Movie
"I hope in this film, 20 years later, people still remember it. Especially myself, for the audience, for the future, Hence my histo...
Controversy Behind The Zero Dark Thirty Film
W-News | Controversy Behind The Zero Dark Thirty Film | Although staying digadang going to snatch some Oscar nominations, the film turns ...